Where to stay in Siem Reap?

There are hundreds of hotels and guest houses in Siem Reap, they offers the good services and great accom, but you still need our suggestion here to the right places.

Where to stay near Angkor Wat

OK, just in case you were wondering, the temples are so big that a day trip is not an option.Instead, most people stay in Siem Reap for 3 to 7 days to take in the local culture and to see the temples of Angkor Wat.

We counted around 60 places that are available for accommodation. The range is just amazing. When we stayed in Siem Reap, we decided to go  

The Night Hotel, Siem Reap

for the mid-range which was USD  49 per night for 2 people including clean room air-condition ,private toilet , hot-water safe swimming pool

 good location walk about  2 minutes to night market 



   run by local people

 We are not in the business of recommending where you should stay, so it is really up to your own personal selection. We found   



as we spoke to San Park(our tour guide ) before arriving

 Siem Reap airport



  Email.  sanpark.angkor@googlemail.com

  WhatsApp +85512788 354

 Please book tour guide  directly 

Accommodation ranges in price from $ 25US to $1500 US per night. The variety is just amazing.When you drive down from Siem Reap airport or enter Siem Reap from Bangkok you cannot miss the four and five star hotels.  we found that most people who stayed in five star hotels tended to do their purchasing and booking of tours through that hotel. This results in the visitors not having contact with the local community so most of their money does not reach the local community. So keep in mind (regardless of where you decide to stay) that the Cambodian people are very friendly and they really do rely on the tourism market. Please try your best to do business with locals 

Proudly owned and operated by local Cambodians, Angkor-Temple-Guides provides excellent taxi transport and tour guides (at reasonable prices) around Siem Reap and Angkor Wat.

For your convenience, your tour guides are happy to pick you up from the Siem Reap International airport and take you to your accommodation. If you need, they can make some suggestions according to your budget. Unlike some taxi and tour operators, your guide from Angkor temple guides  Instead they pride themselves on being trust worthy and honest. Their long list of commendations from past customers and their increasing business from word of mouth is a testimony to their honesty,trustworthiness, and their strong work ethic.

7Reasons you should choose-

Angkor Temple Guides

  1. Locally Owned and Operated Business: Your money goes directly to the people of Cambodia, and not to some multinational corporation.
  2. Flexible Tours: You decide the tour program (where to go and when)
  3. Reasonable Price
  4. Honesty: Our guides and taxi operators are honest and trustworthy
  5. Local Experience: You benefit from our local experience.
  6. Experience the REAL Cambodia: Travel and meet with local people, rather than be shuttled around in a bus with a large group.
  7. You will be helping the lovely people of Cambodia: The people of Cambodia are incredibly charming and your direct business with Cambodian people will help their economy and the quality of life for many families

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